Apex Malawi

Come alongside the Malawi team, working in various capacities of ministry.

Lilongwe, Malawi Africa
College Age
How long
3 weeks
$3000 + flight costs

Lilongwe, Malawi is a vibrant and warm city which is home to 1.2 million Malawians. Malawi (a nation of 20 million people) is one of the poorest countries in the world, yet we find the people of Malawi to be incredibly resilient, hopeful and capable. This is a great environment to do ministry in because of the stability of the government and the warmth of the people. Spiritually there is tremendous confusion about the gospel with a blend of many spiritual influences such as syncretism, the prosperity gospel, traditional African religion and a growing Islamic presence as well. The urgent need here is for authentic Christ Following. This is the focus of our ministry.

The main thing we do here in Malawi is to make disciples one person at a time and empower Malawians to transform their families, Churches and Communities through the love of Christ. Students will have a wide variety of opportunities to plug in to any or all of these ministries, to be mentored, to grow in their areas of passion and giftedness and to empower Malawian young people through healthy disciple making relationships.

Our heartbeat is walking alongside people and helping them to know Jesus and walk with Jesus every day! We invite you to come join us in Malawi and to become a part of a growing movement that is bringing transformation to Malawi one person at a time. You will make a difference and as you devote yourself to Christ in this place you will be transformed too!

Meet our missionaries

Our Team exists to raise up and release disciple-making leaders who embody the Character of Christ for transforming communities and multiplying transformational churches. We do this by intentionally building healthy relationships, make disciples who make disciples, identify leaders, and develop, empower and release them to impact communities. We seek to honor every person we meet, helping them take the next step in their journey to and with Jesus.

Our Missionary Team includes four Reach Global staff and one South African Partner. We have a large and growing team of National (Malawian) leaders who make up the heart of our ministry. Our aim is empowerment. We work hard to ensure that every ministry is led by Malawians and as missionaries we seek to uplift, encourage and mentor Malawians to lead with passion, confidence and grace so that God's work continues to grow and bring real change to Malawi.

How you’ll serve

  • Teaching English - through early childhood development
  • Teaching Children - through our preschool Wellspring Christian Academy
  • Children's ministry - regular community outreach opportunities
  • Leading Bible Studies - as a part of our vocational training ministries
  • Teaching skills based classes - mechanics, sewing, building, welding, etc.
  • Evangelism - sharing Christ alongside our National team members
  • Community Development - outreach to the elderly and other marginalized groups
  • Sports ministry - beyond sports ministry
  • Speaking in local churches - in both urban and rural settings
  • Leading and participating in Worship - at our bi-weekly gatherings
  • Prayer ministry - in local homes and at our worship gatherings
  • Exposure to ministry to refugees - At Dzaleka Refugee Camp near Lilongwe
  • Women's empowerment - through Tabitha Centers and working with our team members
  • Entrepreneurship - the chance to share insight and training for business start up training with young people desiring to start businesses in Malawi


  • May 19-23 – Apex Orientation in Chicago, Illinois
  • May 23-24 – Arrive at your site
  • June 13-15 – Return home


You will stay in either team members' homes or in a near by guest house.

Reach out to start the conversation about applying for 2025!