Apex East Asia

Come alongside the East Asia team, working in various capacities of ministry.

East Asia
College Age
How long
3 weeks
$3000 + flight costs

Applications closed February 15th for 2025 trips!

During your three weeks in East Asia, you will have the opportunity to learn and grow alongside the team of missionaries serving there. Our desire is to invest in you while giving you a taste of what cross-cultural missions is like.

The team lives in a large urban city in East Asia. It is a city with millions of nonbelievers and some hostility towards the spread of the gospel. However, through university campus outreach, local college students and young professionals, people are getting saved and joining other believers in caring for their neighbors and for disabled orphans and foster children. We invite you to come share life with the people here, and let them be a part of your life!

The team realizes that the people we serve live in the midst of a huge portion of the remaining nonbelievers on Earth, and college students are the leaders of the future who can take the gospel to the people around them in the decades to come. Come and be a part of these college students' journeys with Jesus and be a loving friend to disabled children, most of whom have very few visitors. Our prayer is that this trip will not only help you grow in your faith, but that it will also help you to serve in God’s kingdom wherever the Lord takes you. Come be a part of what God is doing in East Asia!

Meet our missionaries

Our team aims to help the gospel take root in our city and then branch out around the larger region, by coming alongside young local believers and modeling for them what it can look like to share our faith with nonbelievers and to care for the needy in our city, including disabled foster children and orphans. Our team includes singles in their 20s to early 30s and families with children.

How you’ll serve

  • Meeting college students and helping them practice their English
  • Frisbee outreach at the park with college students
  • Bible studies in English with college students
  • English classes for foster children and disabled children
  • Playing with and serving orphans who have cerebral palsy, autism, or other disabilities


You may stay with a host family, a host friend or at a hotel.


  • May 19-23 – Apex Orientation in Chicago, Illinois
  • May 23-24 – Arrive at your site
  • June 13-15 – Return home