Apex Laredo
High school students will work with children and serve the community in collaboration with Grace Bible Church (EFCA).
Dates and Registration
Grace Bible Church in Laredo, Texas, has a vision to lead their city into a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. The people of Laredo are very open to talk about God, but many don't have a clear understanding of the gospel or what it means to follow Christ because of strong cultural roots and history with the Catholic church.
Laredo is over 95% Hispanic and is the largest land-port to the United States. Over 40% of goods from Mexico come to the U.S. through Laredo's bridges. You will come alongside Grace Bible Church to serve kids in a nearby community as well as choose from a variety of other local outreach and missions projects and ministries to contribute.
How you'll serve
- VBS - Grace Bible Church is reaching out to the community of Las Penitas on the outskirts of Laredo. You will host a 5-day VBS at the Las Penitas Community Center where kids do not have as much means or opportunity to get to the Grace Bible Church campus.
- Bed Building - Building beds for foster kids and others with materials provided by Grace Bible Church. These beds will be delivered throughout the year to kids in need.
- Project Pillowcase - Pillowcases are for foster children who often move from one home to another. The pillowcase is something they can take with them that provides comfort. Each participant would need to either bring funds to purchase one yard of fabric or bring their own yard with them. If no one in your group can sew, then we will teach you. It’s basic straight-line sewing. Pray over each pillowcase.
- Holding Institute Community Center - Holding serves immigrants who are coming through Laredo.
- Typically groups help with organizing donations and engaging non-English speaking children and adults in games and conversation.
- And More - Grace Bible Church has a number of ministries they serve throughout the summer and calendar year. They do a great job of offering you different opportunities for you to plug into.
More information coming soon.
- Early-bird rate: $450 per participant
- After December 15: $500 per participant
For detailed information on deadlines and financial policies, please visit the Registration Policy within the Apex Bundle.
If you are registering for a U.S. trip, please know that if you have not reserved every spot during your initial registration, there is a potential your group will share this site with another youth group. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at apex@efca.org.
Special Requirements
- Pre-trip training with the materials provided by Apex Missions
- Plan and prepare a five-day VBS program, including lessons, crafts, games and music (some materials are provided by Grace Bible Church)
- Bring supplies for assigned work projects assigned
- Some ministries will have an additional cost for your team to cover the expense of building materials or other ministry supplies