Apex Mexico City

With over 21 million people calling Mexico City home, it is one of the largest cities in the world and a strategic center of cultural, economic and religious influence throughout Latin America.

Mexico City, Mexico
Latin America and Caribbean
College Age
How long
6 weeks
$4500 + flight costs

Applications closed February 15th for 2025 trips!

During your six weeks in Mexico City, you will have the opportunity to learn and serve alongside the ReachGlobal Mexico City Team. Our desire is to invest in you while giving you a taste of what cross-cultural missions is like. Language and culture learning will be a part of each week. Whether it is an excursion to see Aztec pyramids, eating tacos al pastor with friends or regular Spanish classes, there will be a lot of exposure to the Mexican culture.

There will also be opportunities each week to get hands-on experience serving and using your gifts in ministry. As you partner with one of our full-time missionaries in a specific area of ministry, you will be a real help and encouragement to us.

You will also be a part of our local Mexican church partner. Both at the Sunday worship service and the small-group meeting during the week, you will have the chance to build meaningful relationships with Mexican believers. During your time with our team, a member of our team will be your coach, meeting with you regularly and investing in your spiritual transformation.

Mexico City is a strategic place to reach with the gospel because it is one of the largest cities in the world with a population of over 21 million, and it is extremely influential in the Western Hemisphere. Due to being the largest Spanish-speaking city in the world, it has great influence on all of the other Spanish-speaking countries in Central and South America as well as the fast-growing Hispanic population in the U.S. and Canada. Mexico City is also the heart of Mexico. The politics, religion, economy, culture, education and history of Mexico all find their deepest roots in the city. We have the opportunity to see the gospel impact not only Mexico City, but all of Mexico and many other countries as well. Similar to the apostle Paul's efforts to evangelize the world by strategically reaching key cities, targeting Mexico City provides us with unique opportunities to help fulfill the Great Commission.

Our prayer is that this trip will not only help you grow in your faith, but that it will also help you to serve in God’s kingdom wherever the Lord takes you. Come be a part of what God is doing in Mexico City!

Meet our missionaries

We have a City Team of five, all with different areas of ministry and passions. Our team’s main focus is church planting and serving existing local churches. It is crucial for us to serve in local churches because the job of the global church (evangelism, discipleship, missions) all flows out of the work of the local church. We approach ministry with a rhythm of life that allows us to live missionally where we are, rather than providing large amounts of events or programming. We feel strongly that our role is to help equip and support Mexican leaders, wanting them to provide the primary leadership for greatest long-term impact. We have six main ministry priorities that we work toward in all we do:

  • Church Planting
  • Leadership Development
  • Evangelism
  • Discipleship
  • Holistic Ministry
  • Gospel Partnerships

These strategic ministries are the ways in which we seek to glorify God and multiply transformational churches among all people.

Luke & Sarah: Leading the Team, Church Planting, Encouraging/Developing Church Leaders, Worship Ministry, Evangelism, Discipleship

Jared: Encouraging/Developing Church Leaders, Coaching/Training Young Missionaries, Evangelism, Discipleship; Ministry to Immigrants in the City

Betsy: Ministry to Immigrants in the City, Trains and Coaches People Ministering to Marginalized People Groups, Evangelism, Discipleship

Joel: Evangelism, Discipleship, Spanish Language and Mexican Culture Learning, Connecting and Developing Ministry Partnerships


  • May 19-23 – Apex Orientation in Chicago, Illinois
  • May 23-24 – Arrive in Mexico City
  • July 5-7 – Return home

How you’ll serve

  • English conversation outreach - The vast majority of Mexicans have a desire to improve their English so expertise in the English language can be a great tool for the gospel! Our team is using English Conversation Clubs as a way to serve Mexicans and bring believers and non-believers together. This creates many opportunities for relationships to be built and the truth of the gospel shared.
  • Serving immigrants of the city - Mexico City is an extended stop for many migrants from all over. Most of them are leaving desperate situations and are very vulnerable. To help care for these immigrants in the city, our team partners with a refuge called Casa Tochan and serves them in various ways.
  • College campus ministry - Students from all over Mexico and the world travel to Mexico City for their college education. This is an incredible opportunity for evangelism and discipleship ministries. Our team partners with organizations such as Cru and Navigators towards this end.
  • Local church ministry - Serving the local church is core to everything we do as a team. So, it will be important for you to be a part of a local Mexican church while you are with us. You will have the opportunity to learn from and encourage the believers of that church in the city. You will attend the church on Sundays and a community group during the week in order to fellowship and build meaningful relationships.


Our preference is that students stay with a Mexican host family (don’t worry, Spanish is not required). If we are unable to find Mexican host families, students will be hosted by one of our two missionary families. An AirBnb would be our third choice if the other two are not possible.