Apex Berlin

Berlin is one of the most vibrant, cosmopolitan cities in Europe. You won’t see a lot of Lederhosen on the U-Bahn, the city's public transit system, but you might encounter a tech start-up, a sculpture artist, a politician and a plethora of cafes — all within walking distance.

Berlin, Germany
College Age
How long
6 weeks
$4500 + flight costs

Applications closed February 15th for 2025 trips!

Berlin, the capital of Germany, is a city unlike any other. It's deep history of division, war, reconstruction and reunification has lead to it being a diverse playground for everyone; from the creative to the business professional to the outcast, all are able to find their home in Berlin. And on this trip, you will have a closer look at this diverse city while impacting those who call Berlin home. Less than 2% of the population are professing Christians, which means most people in Berlin have gone their whole life without ever even meeting a Christian. That means you could be the first! So whatever you are passionate about and skills you have to offer, bring them—Berlin can use them.

You will spend the summer working in partnership with our team, along side of Germany ministries and churches. Each week has a different focus so you can experience the breadth of ministry that exists in Berlin and step out of your comfort zone to see how your talents can impact the urban world.

Some outreach possibilities includes:

  • English Camps
  • VBS
  • Young adults summer project
  • Anti-trafficking work
  • Prayer outreach and prayer walks throughout the city
  • Evangelism
  • Arts outreach — visual and performing
  • Sports ministry

We want to see Berlin transformed by the gospel and we would love for you to join us. The real life experiences of learning to engage in a post-christian city will be a blessing you’ll never forget.

Meet our missionaries

Our team vision is to see Berlin transformed by the power of the gospel, that it has regional and global impact.

We have a larger team here of six families and 10 individuals, with varying focus areas. Some things our team is working on is church planting, refugee outreach, anti-human trafficking ministry, community development, youth outreach, business missions, music and the arts and sports outreach, among other initiatives.


  • May 19-23 – Apex Orientation in Chicago, Illinois
  • May 23-24 – Arrive in Berlin, Germany
  • July 5-7 – Return home

How you’ll serve

  • Refugee outreach: helping at a refugee home with children's activities or service projects
  • Anti-trafficking ministry: serving a drop in center in Berlin's red-light district through service projects
  • Evangelism: working alongside a German church to engage individuals in conversation about Jesus and offer prayer
  • English Camp: teaching English at a camp for at risk youth
  • Youth outreach: partnering with a ministry to minister to youth on summer vacation through activities and worship


Housing is different from year to year. Depending on the group size and ministries the students will be engaged in and where they're located in the city, we choose housing based on that. In the past we have used AirBNB, a hostel, host families and a church. There is a chance that the students will move locations a time or two in the summer, so they should be prepared to carry any luggage they have on public transportation.