Apex Kinshasa

Kinshasa, the capitol of the Democratic Republic of Congo, is a quickly growing city, uniquely poised to impact large parts of Central Africa with the gospel.

Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
College Age
How long
3 weeks
$3000 + flight costs

The team in Kinshasa desires to be involved in gospel-centered ministries throughout the city. One example is with children who need to learn not only to survive but to thrive in Christ, despite the difficulties they face on a daily basis. Another is with vulnerable young women who need to know that they have value while receiving a means of providing for themselves. A third opportunity is with empoverished young men who need tools to improve every area of their lives through skills training and discipleship.

Interns will learn more about each of these ministries and then decide which one they will immerse themselves in to expand the capacity of national leaders and prepare themselves to tell the stories. They will spend time learning Lingala, the local trade language, in order to build relationships. Their ability to speak English may also open up opportunities to reach out to those studying that language.

Located in the heart of Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo is uniquely positioned to impact large parts of the continent. Kinshasa, the capitol city, is a city of over 15 million people. With high unemployment, and poor education, many struggle to survive from day to day. Life can feel very dark. By empowering local churches to minister to people in their communities, we have the opportunity to see God bringing His light to their lives as individuals are transformed. We invite you to hear and share some of these stories for yourself, but most of all to encourage the ministry leaders and participants with your presence.

If you have a heart for orphans and other vulnerable children, this may be an opportunity God wants you to explore!

Meet our missionaries

The ReachGlobal Kinshasa City Team serves to strengthen and revitalize the ministry of the local church and to see new churches planted through gospel initiatives. Currently, we have five ministries working with churches around Kinshasa. Each ministry is lead by a Congolese believer.

Our team leader is Pastor Nubako S., who, along with his wife Claudine (Tabitha Center Director), has served as a pastor and church leader in Congo for many years before becoming a missionary with ReachGlobal. Emily H., a ReachGlobal missionary, has lived and worked in Congo for seven years as communications coordinator. We are also grateful for several other missionaries (including Mark K.) who are located in the U.S. but very involved in ministry in Kinshasa.

How you'll serve

  • Discover what God is doing in Kinshasa
  • Gain knowledge of the Congolese culture and the local language
  • Build relationships
  • Communicate testimonies (through video and the written word for sponsors, social media and blog posts)
  • Share your testimony, Bible lessons or life skills based on your skills and experience


Students will be staying in a missionary home or nearby retreat center/hostel.


  • May 19-23 – Apex Orientation in Chicago, Illinois
  • May 23-24 – Arrive at your site
  • June 13-15 – Return home

Reach out to start the conversation about applying for 2025!